Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry

Funding details

Call : Call for transnational, collaborative, inter-/transdisciplinary research projects on ICT-enabled agri-food systems

Country specific: Funding is restricted to organisations from Finland

Funding: €300,000

Conditions full:

Eligibility criteria MMM:


The main national criteria emphasizes that the research shall benefit the agri-food livelihood; no other topic preferences.

      1. Research organizations as well as other organizations and SMEs can be funded; for research organizations 70 % of the project's gross eligible costs are covered.
      2. The maximum amount of the costs/one consortium (all Finnish applicants) applied from MMM may not exceed 200 000 euro.

3. The work carried out must be pre-competitive research and/or prototype demonstration. Product development supporting individual companies is not supported.

4. The results of funded projects must be open for access by all potential user groups

5. The application must contain a plan for communication and dissemination of results.

6. Applicants are required to make sure that the total sum of the budget includes all details for full cost model. Financial involvement must be clearly stated in the application.

7. Funding does not cover expenditures for activities before the project has been granted.

National/regional topic priorities:


The main national criteria emphasizes that the research & development projects shall benefit the agri-food livelihood by potential business innovation, otherwise no specific topic priorities. MMM urges all applicants to get in touch with the national contact person already in the early phase of the project planning.

Contact person(s):
Suvi Ryynänen