Swedish Research Council for Sustainable Development

Funding details

Call : Call for transnational, collaborative, inter-/transdisciplinary research projects on ICT-enabled agri-food systems

Country specific: Funding is restricted to organisations from Sweden

Funding: €875,000

Conditions full:

Eligibility criteria:

Committed budget and maximum funding per partner

The Swedish Research Council Formas has committed 1 500 000 Euro in total over 3 years to this call.

The maximum amount which can be requested by each proposal with Swedish applicant(s) is limited to:

  • €500.000,00 (if Swedish Coordinator)
  • €300.000,00 (if Swedish Participants)

Consortium structure

Each consortium must consist of Principal Investigators (PIs) from at least 3 different countries, participating in the call. Swedish applicants from the same grant administrating organisation must be associated to a single PI. Several Swedish PIs from different grant administrating organisations may be part of a consortium if the consortium also includes PIs from at least 2 other countries.

Funding decisions

Following evaluation by an international expert panel, the highest-ranked applications will be recommended for funding. Swedish PIs in projects recommended for funding will be invited to submit the same application to Formas (using Prisma). Information about the submission will be provided in the invitation.

Each funding organisation makes the final decision about funding of their respective PIs. The funding awarded will be made public after all funding organisations have reached their decisions.

General regulations

Who can apply for funding

To be eligible to apply for grants from Formas, main applicants and co-applicants must have a doctoral degree. Other people participating in the project (e.g. doctoral students, technicians, lab assistants) do not need to have a doctoral degree. Grants for research projects can only be administered by a Swedish university, university college or other Swedish public organisation that fulfils the grant administrating organisation eligibility requirements of Formas (please see Formas’ requirements for Grant administrating organisations).

What funding can be applied for

Project grants from Formas may be used for financing of salary for researchers, doctoral students (up to three years) and technical staff (including social-security contributions). Grants may also be used to finance running costs (e.g. consumables, equipment under 500 kSEK, travel, conferences, publication in open access journals), equipment depreciation costs and premises costs.

For existing employment positions, the current salary at the time of application (including social-security contributions) must be used for each of the subsequent years. For new employment positions the starting salary at the grant administrating organisation must be used for each subsequent year. Note that the total salary costs awarded by Formas for an individual researcher, doctoral student or other member of the project may never exceed 100 per cent of a full-time position.

Budget specification:

  • Personnel: Salary costs including social fees and LKP
  • Travel (Missions): Traveling cost for meetings, data collection and so on
  • Consumables (Running costs): All the costs that are related to the research activities as well as equipment under 500 kSEK, publications in open access journal, equipment depreciation costs and premises costs. The overhead costs can be included here or in a separate heading if available. Formas funds overhead costs according to the Swedish universities or institutions policies.
  • Overhead: Formas funds overhead costs according to the Swedish universities or institutions policies.
  • Subcontracting: Total costs for the subcontractors including their overheads and premises costs.
  •  Requested funding: Total costs

€500.000,00 (if Swedish Coordinator)

€300.000,00 (if Swedish Participants)

According to Article 20.6 of the Annotated Model grant Agreement (http://www.iprhelpdesk.eu/news/horizon-2020-updated-annotated-model-grant-agreement-available ), the budget applied for must be stated in Euro and the conversion rules as stated in article 20.6 of the Annotated Model Grant Agreement should be applied.

Ethical guidelines and open access

For information regarding Formas’ ethical guidelines and issues concerning public and open access to research results and scientific data, please see the General instructions for applicants to Formas.

Reporting of projects awarded funding

Each Swedish PI awarded funding must submit a financial and scientific report to Formas when the project has ended.


National/regional topic priorities:

The Research Council Formas funds research projects within all topics of the call.

Contact person(s):
Jessica Ekström