Telecommunucations Technological Cente of Catalonia

Telecommunucations Technological Cente of Catalonia

Organisation type: 
Research institutions
Short name: 

CTTC is a non-profit private research center. Research at CTTC deals with the physical, data link, and network layers of communications systems. So far, four distinct research divisions have been identified in the Research Unit: Communication Networks, Communication Subsystems, Communication Technologies and Geomatics. CTTC has contributed to more than 300 international journals and more than 600 international conferences. In addition, CTTC has currently submitted 17 patent applications and, among them, 9 have already been internationally patented and 1 has been awarded. In the context of the research area of this proposal, CTTC has received significant funding from the EC for the following projects: FP7 (e.g., STRAUSS, COMBO, IDEALIST, PHYDIA, Exalted, STRONGEST, BEFEMTO, BUNGEE), FP6 (e.g.,COOPCOM, WINNER I&II, NOBEL I&II, WIP). In addition, CTTC receives funding in this research area from the ENIAC (E2SG, ESEE), ARTEMIS (COPCAMS), EUREKA (e.g., PLANETS, GREENT), from ESA (e.g., ARTEMISIA, ESA-MIMOSAT), and from Spanish national programs (e.g., CO2GREEN PERSEO, mVIA, m-CIUDAD,). CTTC is also active in Marie Curie projects and participates in the GREENET and ADVANTAGE (ITN) and SWAP (IAPP). Additionally, CTTC is an ETSI member and it follows the activities of the ETSI-M2M working group while it is active in the 3GPP activities for the LTE and LTE-A standards.