Future Internet - Orchards Automated Management System

Project information

Future Internet - Orchards Automated Management System

Call: Services and Applications for Smart Agriculture

Id: 15198

Acronym: FI-ORAMA

1 March, 2015 to 31 August, 2016

No Partner Contact Country Total
1 Coord.OOB Software LTDPanagiotis StamatelopoylosCyprus124.293.2SmartAgriFood
2Department of Engineering
Aarhus School of Engineering
Aarhus University
Claus SørensenDenmark47.445.1Danish Agency for Science and Higher Education
Ministry of Higher Education and Science
3Group Leader Sensor Development and Application
Leibniz Institute for Agricultural Engineering
Manuela ZudeGermany78.478.4Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture


FI-ORAMA (Future Internet - Orchards Automated Management) will use a range of FI-WARE enablers to develop a Farm Management information System (FMIS) for applying precision agriculture management at orchards and vineyards. It will be applied for collect all data generated in the field at site-specific level and this information will be collected and stored in a manner to be used for further purposes, such as certification or traceability. FI-ORAMA allows orchard growers and vine growers to collect and analyze data in multiple levels of aggregation. Data will be collected automatically from sensors in the field (i.e. soil moisture sensors) or obtained externally (i.e. local weather station) where possible but due to having individual trees and hand-picking of fruit, the system will automate the process of data to be manually entered into a portable device in the field.
The system provides a mobile app that facilitates data collection and displays simple reports, the data is stored in the cloud. Storage and processing is powered by FIWARE generic enablers described below. Detailed reporting and advanced data manipulation will be possible via web interface.
The system functionalities are listed below:
* Real time reports
* Automatic data collection from sensors and external providers
* Manual data collection assisted by the mobile application
* Decision Support System with a limited set of predefined patterns and the ability for user-defined custom patterns and alerts.
* Activity calendar that records all operations
* Precision farming capabilities for generation of yield, quality and soil maps
* Spatial data storage like field boundaries, tree positions, tree variables (manual and automatic entries) and area variables such as soil humidity etc.
* Dual user roles, farmer and agricultural advisors
* Ability to connect farmer and agricultural advisors for real-time advice, via email


FI-ORAMA developed a mobile app available at the Google Play-store that visualises fruit development in orchards (apple, orange, olive, etc.), greenhouses (tomato) or post harvest (apple, banana, etc.). The app supports knowledge-based farm management, transferring the concept of precision agriculture to the horticultural industry. Data from soil and fruit sensors are implemented in a farm management system. The Android app is user friendly and robust, potentially providing data from own crop, as well as from research stations. The sensor data contains information on the orange/red pigments of the fruits measured using an index called NAI (Natur-Aktien- Index/Nature-Store-Index), which usually shows increased measurements during fruit development. Also, the sensor provides information on the chlorophyll pool of the fruit using the Normalised Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI). Most climacteric fruits show a decrease of chlorophylls during fruit development. When the climacteric is reached, the degradation rate of chlorophyll becomes faster and, therefore, the measurable NDVI decreases faster. Users can provide their data as open access to other users of the FI-ORAMA app, so farmers/managers can correlate measurements and productivity results with each other. The app was released in 2016 and has more than 100 downloads, with a rating of 4.7.


The system provides a mobile app that facilitates data collection and displays simple reports, the data is stored in the cloud. Storage and processing is powered by FIWARE generic enablers described below. Detailed reporting and advanced data manipulation will be possible via web interface. The system functionalities are listed below:

  • Real time reports
  • Automatic data collection from sensors and external providers
  • Manual data collection assisted by the mobile application
  • Activity calendar that records all operations
  • Precision farming capabilities for generation of yield, quality and soil maps
  • Spatial data storage like field boundaries, tree positions, tree variables (manual and automatic entries) and area variables such as soil humidity etc.
  • Ability to connect farmer and agricultural advisors

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