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ICT and robotics for sustainable agriculture
ICT and robotics for sustainable agriculture
Organisation type:
Network / partnership
Funding agency
Short name:
ICT-AGRI-2 began on 1 January 2014 and is running for 48 months. The Project Consortium comprises 23 partners and 4 observer organisations covering 17 countries.
The principal objective of ICT-AGRI-2 is to contribute to the development of an eco-efficient, resource-efficient and competitive agriculture through an enhanced and improved use of ICT and robotics.
ICT and robotics for sustainable agriculture
ICT-AGRI-2 began on 1 January 2014 and is running for 48 months. The Project Consortium comprises 23 partners and 4 observer organisations covering 17 countries.
The principal objective of ICT-AGRI-2 is to contribute to the development of an eco-efficient, resource-efficient and competitive agriculture through an enhanced and improved use of ICT and robotics.