Department of Sociology and Business Law

Department of Sociology and Business Law
Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna

Organisation type: 
Research institutions
Short name: 

UNIBO, the oldest university in Western Europe, is nowadays one of the leading higher education institutions across Europe, with about 90,000 enrolled students, 3,000 academics, and 3,000 administrative staff. The University places special emphasis on the quality of education and research.
The Department of Sociology and Business Law (SDE) carries out research and teaching activities in fields related to social change and to the legal regulation of the economy and society as a whole, with particular attention to market organization and business, socialization and family, territory, environment, public administration, taxation, labor, tourism, communication and culture, security, health, consumption, and the new legal institutions and new models of social organization. Special attention is devoted to a European and international comparative perspective in:
• the analysis of policies, services and measures for the social, legal, judicial and extrajudicial protection of people and the well-being of the population, in the different areas of intervention and territorial levels (local, regional, European and international);
• the economic analysis of legal rules, their impact on markets, productivity and on economic development more generally;
• the analysis and the design of new legal tools and optimal institutional settings for the promotion and the protection of businesses and non-profit organizations;
• the analysis and the design of complex organizations and their impact on business performance.
