SC IPA SA Institute for Scientific Research and Technological Development in Automation-Informatics, Bucharest, Romania

SC IPA SA Institute for Scientific Research and Technological Development in Automation-Informatics, Bucharest, Romania
Aarhus University

Organisation type: 
Research organisations
Network / partnership
ICT provider
Short name: 

Additional profile, dedicated to a new Proposal
ERA-NET Cofund ICT-AGRI-FOOD 2019 1st Joint Call
For PRE-PROPOSAL -Tuesday 03.03.2020
Thematic area: included in Topic 1 - Data-driven ICT platforms and solutions to improve the sustainability of agri-food Systems

Title: Future Internet for Stimulation of Fresh Food Production and Delivery in European Countries
The contribution will be a performant Web based Supply Chain Management Platform, free accessible, providing a support for fresh food production and delivery dedicated for Romanian and European companies. The system will be an innovative combination of WEB Platform services, tools and facilities, conforming to the Future Internet vision. Supply chain management resources will be available for the economic-agricultural agents, using various data transmission networks.
Partner sought: AGRI, ICT, project coordinator
Note: We should like that our above proposal to be part af a complex project.
This part could be a complex section with a dedicated Work Page(s) in a complex project

Dr eng Gabriel Spiridon
Dr eng Eugen Pop
IPA SA-R&D Institute for Scientific Research and Technological Development in Automation - Informatics
Calea Floreasca 169, sector 1 014459-Bucharest, Romania
Phone: +40-21-3180055
Fax: +40-21-3161620
skype: iem2005
