Wageningen UR Livestock Research

Wageningen UR Livestock Research
Wageningen University and Research Center

Organisation type: 
Research institutions
Research organisations
Short name: 

Brief description of the legal entity: ‘To explore the potential of nature to improve the quality of life’ is the mission of Wageningen UR (University & Research centre). A staff of 6,500 and 10,000 students from over 100 countries work everywhere around the world in the domain of healthy food and living environment for governments and the business community-at-large. The strength of Wageningen UR lies in its ability to join the forces of specialised research institutes and Wageningen University. It also lies in the combined efforts of the various fields of natural and social sciences. This union of expertise leads to scientific breakthroughs that can quickly be put into practice and be incorporated into education. This is the Wageningen Approach. In this project, Wageningen UR will be represented by the Stichting Dienst Landbouwkundig Onderzoek (DLO Foundation), which is the contract research part of Wageningen UR. In this project the research unit ‘Wageningen UR Livestock Research’ will be mobilised. The 250 members of staff at the Wageningen UR Livestock Research department have a wide knowledge of the fields of precision livestock farming, animal welfare, breeding, farm animal health, animal nutrition, environment, economy, animal housing, food quality and policy developments at home and abroad and have contacts there.
Wageningen UR Livestock Research as applied research organisation and being involved in a lot of EU projects (e.g. EU-PLF, Welfare Quality, BioBusiness, DairyMan, WASP, Q-Pork chains) and national (system) innovation projects, is strongly interested in positioning Precision Livestock Farming in different situations. Wageningen UR Livestock Research is leading partner in the Dairy Campus. This unique location has been created on the former site of Nij Bosma Zathe. Hosting 500 dairy cattle, more than 300 hectares of land, and training and conference facilities, Dairy Campus is an inspiring meeting place and innovation centre for anyone involved in the dairy sector. Students and professionals can come here for training courses, internships and graduation projects. It is a place where researchers can conduct pioneering research and the business sector is encouraged to commit to and invest in innovative projects. And all to ensure that we can continue producing healthy and safe milk in the future, with respect for mankind, animals and the environment.
Competences/skills for accomplishing work: The team of Wageningen UR Livestock Research is specialized in Precision Livestock Farming. Within that perspective there is extensive knowledge of measuring and modelling animal behaviour and related production by using sensor technology. Especially the multi-sensor approach is used to support the farmers in their daily management by providing adequate action list that are based on early warning models. For this engineering, modelling and animal knowledge is integrated in one team. This team has already extensive experience in several EU projects as work package and task leader. Within the Animal Science group we have a strict protocol for experiments with animals. Each experiment has to be judged by an independent Animal Experimental Commission. Besides there is a dedicated professor on ethics in animal production systems. Although not primarily part of the team he is available for ethical issues. Wageningen UR Livestock Research concentrates her dairy research facilities in the Dairy Campus. The Dairy Campus is located in Lelystad and in Leeuwarden. There the coming years also new stables will be created for more than 500 dairy cows and calves.