Dionysis Bochtis
Aarhus University
Contact is not available Dionysis D Bochtis is a Senior Scientist in the Department of Engineering of Faculty of Science and Technology at Aarhus University, Denmark. He holds a PhD in Fleet management in bio-production systems, a MSc in Automation Control, and a B.Sc. in Exact Sciences (Physics). His primary research is industrial engineering focused on bio-production and related supply chain systems including activities relate to fleet management (for conventional and autonomous field machinery), field robots (high level control aspects: mission planning, path planning, task allocation), supply chain management for bio-energy bio-recourses and argi-food, field logistics (scheduling, area coverage planning, routing), and automation and decision Support Systems. He has participated (as researcher, WP leader, and partner coordinator) in 24 research projects (including 12 EU funded projects). He is the author of more than 200 articles in peer reviewed journals and conference proceedings and has been invited for 8 key-note speeches. He was the presented of CIOSTA for the period 2011-2013 (Commission Internationale de l'Organisation Scientifique du Travail en Agriculture, Founded in Paris, 1950) and fro the period 2015-2019 the vice-chair of Section V (Systems Management) of CIGR (International Commission of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering). http://pure.au.dk/portal/en/persons/dionysis-bochtis(b751059d-de7a-4ee6-87c0-3dcd5a970357).html